UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. 对于那些需要从嘈杂的赌博平台大全中解脱出来的学生来说,越来越多的 sensory spaces at locations across Penn State University Libraries can offer quiet comfort.
The University Libraries, as part of the LibWell 该公司目前正在十大正规赌博平台大全试行三个感官室 Berks’ Thun Library, Penn State Brandywine’s Vairo Library, and in Pattee Library 为有感觉障碍和神经多样性的学生提供帮助.
“图书馆致力于促进学生的成功和福祉, and that means thinking about our spaces, services, resources and programs differently,” said Rebecca Miller Waltz, University Libraries’ associate dean for learning and engagement. “这些感官室是重新设想空间和优先考虑资源的一个很好的例子,以直接支持我们学生的需求. 我们希望这只是最终将使我们更加包容的许多步骤的第一步, welcoming and supportive spaces for our community.”
What is a sensory room?
Sensory rooms use specialized equipment, 家具和照明创造了一个可控的以感官为中心的环境,使神经系统平静下来, increases feelings of safety, and lowers stress and anxiety. Also called multi-sensory environments, 这些空间提供了一种住宿形式,可以帮助满足越来越多的神经多样性学生的需求, such as those living with autism, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia and PTSD. While every room is different, 目标是通过温和的感官线索创造一种平静和放松的感觉.
“大学里非常需要治疗空间,帮助学生屏蔽有害的感官干扰,减轻许多学生承受的巨大焦虑负担,” said Brett Spencer, reference and instruction librarian for Penn State Berks’ Thun Library. “我们想让感官安全的地方,可以帮助学生最大限度地提高他们的健康和学习.”
Why offer sensory rooms?
目前的研究表明,每20名学生中就有1人可能受到感觉处理障碍的影响,或者有特别严重的感觉问题,这些问题可能会干扰他们的学习. Around 39% of students with autism graduate from college compared to 52% of the general student body, and sensory issues are a contributing factor to lower graduation rates. Additionally, anxiety and depression has surged among college students, including Penn State students, since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, making it more important than ever to ease their stress burden. Sensory rooms can help reduce these barriers to wellness 并为经常面临偏见和耻辱的学生提供归属感.
“我们从新的研究和我们的校园残疾协调员那里了解到,神经分化学生在我们的人口中所占的比例越来越大, and we felt we could improve our spaces for these students,” said Teresa Slobuski, head librarian at Penn State Brandywine’s Vairo Library.
Vairo Library’s Sensory Room, located in a quiet area to the rear of the library, is filled with comfort enhancing furniture like spinning low stools, floor cushions and an Alpha Egg Chair, as well as forest-inspired dimmable lighting, weighted lap blankets, fidget toys and noise-canceling headphones. Relaxation tools, puzzles, 色彩用品和桌面禅宗花园的产品,旨在恢复平衡和舒适的神经多样性的游客.
斯洛布斯基说,Vairo图书馆正在积极征求感官室用户的反馈,以确定未来可能会增加哪些有用的工具或技术. The library plans to offer at least one new item every month, with plans for more therapeutic furniture in 2024.
在Thun图书馆的感官室,窗户向室外开放,创造了一种平静的感觉. The room features an Alpha Egg chair, Buddha Board, yoga supplies, foam rollers, sound mixer, weighted lap blankets and fidget tools. A bubble tower generates soothing white noise and soft lighting, and hologram generators offer visual stimming. Students can reserve the room for up to 90 minutes, and a wellness LibGuide was created to accompany its use.
Spencer said students with sensory issues may find traditional chairs, desks and carrels to be restrictive, but soft, floor-level seating such as bean bags, floor chairs and desks, and fit ball seats offer more comfortable options. 因为当许多神经发散型学习者可以坐立不安或在摇摆的凳子或摇椅上摇摆时,他们处理感官信息的效率会更高, 图恩图书馆希望在未来加入更多职业治疗师推荐的家具.
At University Park, students can relax in the Sensory Space, located within the Collaboration Commons at Pattee Library. The room was conceptualized and outfitted entirely by students in the Evanisko Project, a multi-year grant collaboration 与大学图书馆和平面设计系合作,在图书馆内建立和突出学生的作品. Pattee Library’s Sensory Space utilizes colored lighting, tactile puzzles, sensory stickers, yoga props, weighted blankets and an Alpha Egg Chair, 有目的地选择使用积极的感官体验来提供一种解脱感.
Who can visit the Libraries’ sensory spaces?
“任何被学术生活压力压垮的人都欢迎来到这里,” said Slobuski, 谁补充说,像图书馆的感官室这样的空间表明了大学图书馆对每个学生幸福的承诺.”
Spencer agrees. “All students are welcome to use the room. Students who need sensory relief are especially encouraged to spend time here. 欢迎那些只是需要从校园的喧嚣中休息一下或在考试后找个地方放松一下的学生参观我们的房间. These spaces communicate to all students that they are valued here.”
“在相对较少的预算下,我们能够做出巨大的改进,以更好地支持我们的学生, 他们中的许多人都报告说,感官室是他们在校园里最喜欢的地方,” Slobuski said. “This is the difference that a supportive space can make for our students.”
Information about sensory rooms at Penn State University Libraries, including inquiries about space accommodations and reservations, is available at participating campus locations:
- Berks Thun Library’s Sensory Room 115, Penn State Berks, contact Brett Spencer at [email protected] or 610-396-6339.
- Vairo Library’s Sensory Room at Penn State Brandywine, contactTeresa Slobuski at [email protected] or 610-892-1380.
- Pattee Library’s Sensory Space W027, Collaboration Commons, at Penn State University Park, contact Hannah Strouse, Evanisko Project coordinator at [email protected] or Common Services at 814-865-5429.
To learn more about the University Libraries Student Wellness Fund, contact Gretchen Little, assistant director of Alumni and Donor Relations, Penn State University Libraries, at [email protected].